Meeting visual arts, exhibitions, artists and friends... Lisandru Neamtu - Ph.D. Lecturer at UNArte (The National University of Fine Arts Bucharest) - coaches students in this field. Events, works, ideas blogged on this site... Welcome / الفنان التشكيلي / 視覚芸術家 / קינסטלער וויסואַל
Sunday, March 30, 2008
My personal exhibition at the Brancovan Pallace
Matrite cu raza europeana de actiune!Intr-o lume marcata de consumism, de dictatura noilor tehnologii ale informatiei si ale comunicarii, de dictatura cotei de audienta si de dictatura tabloidizarii aspectelor intime ale vietii, putem fi o altfel de masura propunand matrite de idei si spirit. Aceasta idee a matritei care naste nevoia de comunicare cu Celalalt si nevoia de a sonda interioritatea ne-au dat motivatia de a sprijini o Bienala de matrite stilistice din 32 de tari ale lumii. EURO CULTURART si-a pus, astfel, In opera menirea de a multiplica un proiect artistic de substanta si calitatea Bienalei Internationale de Gravura Experimentala de la Palatul Mogosoaia. In acelasi an, 2008, In care EURO CULTURART propune un standard de civilizatie: biblioteci publice cu autori contemporani In salile de asteptare din garile romanesti si europene printr-un proiect intitulat „Scriitori pe Calea Regala”. Iata cum scriitorii si artistii lucreaza la noi cautari de sine In matrite cu raza europeana de actiune.Dan Mircea Cipariu, scriitor, presedintele Euro CulturArt
Matrixes with European action area!In a world marked by consumerism, by new communication and information technologies dictatorship, by viewer’s rate and the tabloids of private life aspects dictatorships, we can be a different measure offering conceptual and spiritual matrixes. This matrix idea from which develops the need for communication with The Other and the need to question interiority gave us the motivation to support a Biennial of stylistic matrixes from 32 countries of the world. Euro CulturArt Association acted upon its purpose of multiplying an artistic project with such qualities and substantiality as the International Experimental Engraving Biennial from Mogosoaia Palace. This happens in 2008 the same year in which Euro CulturArt recommends a standard of civilization: public libraries with contemporary authors in waiting rooms from Romanian and European train stations through a project called “Writers on the Royal Way”. This is how writers and artists work for new ways of self-definition in matrixes with European action area. Dan Mircea Cipariu, writer, president of Euro CulturArt Association
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comunicat de presă: Uniunea Artiștilor Plastici din România, Galeria SIMEZA - Bd. Magheru nr. 20, București data comunicatului: 1 ianuarie...
me and the violonist Stefan Madru from Madrid who played "The Ballad" of Ciprian Porumbescu ...a special moment, thank you Stefan...